Chocolate Chiffon Cupcake

September 24, 2017

How do you make homemade cupcakes? Cupcakes are cakes known as butter, sugar, egg, and wheat sponge, which are then topped with various variations and forms ranging from Butter Cream, Whipp Cream, Frosting, Cooking Chocolate, Fondan, and Edible Image.

3 egg yolks
3 egg whites
30 gr sugar
60 ml of liquid milk
35 ml of cooking oil (me: butter, melted)
65 gr wheat flour
5 gr cocoa powder
50 gr sugar castor (me: refined sugar)

1. Beat egg yolks and sugar until late (may use whisk). Enter the liquid milk slowly while stirring. Enter  the cooking oil / butter. Stir well
2. Put the powdered wheat flour and chocolate powder. Stir well. Set aside
3. Beat the egg whites while entering the castor sugar / refined sugar gradually until soft peak
4. Mix the egg white dough into the egg yolk dough gradually. Stir in a way back and forth
5. Pour on the prepared cup. Bake approximately 40 minutes until cooked, test with a skewer, when it is no one sticking sign is ripe.
Ready to serve. It's easy, right.

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